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Contraction & Expansion

Writer: Regina@inthebrightRegina@inthebright

Updated: Mar 6, 2021

Automatic Writing at Sunrise. January 18, 2021

I ask for guidance

Emotions sometimes feel like a reckoning.

Direction feels backwards at times.

This is the message I am given to transcribe:

Backwards is also a direction, often not so different than forward.

Expansive is the true direction of the soul.

Spirit wishes to expand.

Beyond the physical,

Beyond the limitations of the material,

Beyond duality.

Dualities of Direction:

Inward / Outward

Forward / Backwards

Upwards / Downwards

All this will keep you spinning in circles.


Expand vs. Contract.

The soul wishes to expand in life.

Expand through experience, and understanding also expands.

Contraction is the other side of this duality.

Your muscles (material world) have to contract in order to move you in any physical direction. So long as you’re in this physical realm, you’ll have these dualities.

You have to appreciate both. You can’t have one without the other.

Total contraction of the mind brings fear.

Contraction of the physical body sheath brings pain.

Contraction of the emotional brings depression.

But all of these, any of these contractions, can help bring you back to center. Back to Atman. Back to source. It’s from center we can connect with spirit and only then that one can expand from center.

Contraction of the soul however, as it’s of the etheric plane, is really finding your center. To contract the soul is to take it out of the physical and back to source and source is constantly expanding. It may not be unlike the bag bang, where everything returns to single pointed focus, to its center and then expands outward to create from that center.

People yearn to find duality:

“I love you / I hate you”

black / white

rich / poor

truth / lie

enlightened/ unenlightened


Can you really be enlightened if you think others are not?

The direction is centered.

The direction from centered is expansive.

One has to be grounded, centered, to expand.

There’s a focus of the expansion moving from a single point.

A note that rings out in all directions when the instrument is played.

So in this sense, you begin at the center, learning to play the instrument.

And then, the expansive nature of reality, allows the note to ring out, vibrating and expanding through the ether.

So, how are you playing your instrument?

1. Are you present?

In other words, how familiar are you with your instrument?

2. Are you practicing and how are you practicing to learn the subtle tones and notes?

3. There are solo parts, but you also are part of an orchestra. As you expand, notice how well you are playing with others. All may play in harmony or cacophony.

This is why centeredness is so imperative.

Centeredness allows you to listen and hear the others.

Oneness, is one orchestra, many instruments, many songs, but always centered on what is.

Learn to play your instrument. Find yourself centered in yourself and then, only then, allow yourself to expand outward, in all directions and find you are part of a most magnificent choir, orchestra, band. Find that together, you are one.

***Please note, I transcribe the automatic writing transcriptions as closely as possible to how I receive them, so at times, the writing is not what you might consider "grammatically correct."


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