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Envisioning Your Vision for the Future You

Writer: Regina@inthebrightRegina@inthebright

Creating a Vision Board is like casting the magic for manifesting. The goal of vision boarding is to create a picture that you can meditate on each day to help attune your actions to how you envision feeling in your life.

All you need are magazines, scissors, and glue. ( Please note, tearing can substitute for scissors and bubble gum can substitute for glue)

Creating a vision board is a great way to set your sights on a goal, see things from a new perspective, and reveal hidden symbols and metaphors in your life.

Creative rulz for vision board are the same for all of life:

  1. Don’t get too attached to what you think you are creating, let yourself be surprised. Your images will be limited to the magazines you have on hand, so let yourself find something unexpected in the process.

  2. Don’t get attached, this is a form of creative play.


  1. Get out your magazine, keep the scissors and glue set aside. Pour yourself a cuppa tea (or any soothing beverage). Clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths and meditate on what you want your life to feel like. Imagine feeling those feelings.

  2. Open a magazine. Go through the pages quickly and tear out any pages that give you the feelings you wish to create. Break the binding of the magazines as needed and really tear stuff up. Destroy the magazines and don’t worry about what kind of mess you’re making, just tear out whole pages that give you those goosebumpy feels that you imagine for yourself in step one. Be open to things that you're attracted to and just have fun tearing out whole pages.

  3. Have a sip of your tea (or beverage of choice).Smile. Meditate on the feelings you want to create in your life.

  4. Once you have a nice stack of pages you’ve torn out of the magazine, it’s time to get out the scissors. Begin cutting (or tearing) the page by removing extraneous things on the page.Cut the images you want as closely to the edge as possible.You may first be attracted to words, and that’s fine to include some words in your project, but remember words are symbols. For instance, maybe you want the word bliss. That’s great, but what does bliss look like? What does it feel like? If you use a lot of words, try to allow yourself the liberty of an image to go with each word as well. Perhaps bliss is felt when you look at a landscape or a color, so allow those images to represent the words you associate with the feelings you want to create in your life.

  5. Keep cutting and trimming until you have a stack of images that gives you those groovy feels you imagine for yourself.

  6. Walk away from your work for a moment. Crumple up the paper bits that you’ve removed from the images you want to keep; clean up your work space and refill your beverage. When you come back to your work table, remove your glue out of arms reach.

  7. Begin playing with the things you’ve cut out. Seriously, you’re playing now. DO NOT reach for the glue !!!! Start by sort the images by color. Shuffle them up and sort them by size. As you handle each one, notice if it carries the feeling you want to create in your life. Begin to notice how the images relate to one another.

  8. You can use a large sheet of paper or recycled cardboard or just tape or glue several sheets of magazine pages together as your foundation. Begin arranging the images. Remember, the glue is still out of reach, but if you’re going to stick your vision board together with bubblegum, it’s good to start chewing it now as you may need several pieces.

  9. Arrange your pieces beginning with the largest ones first. Smaller pieces are better save for the end to fill in gaps and seams. You can play around here with rhythm, texture, color and emphasis. You may find that seemingly disparate images fit together by way of color or texture rather than symbol or theme. As you begin to fill the space of your collage, step away and ask yourself, is this how I want to feel? For instance, if the assemblage feels chaotic, see if they can be arranged with more harmony. If there is more than one horizon line, see if you can arrange the images to read in a way that creates a more realistic landscape. Pause once you have an assemblage that gives you those good feeling in your belly.

  10. Step away from your project and refill you beverage. On the way back to your work space, grab your glue (or spit out your bubblegum).Gluing can be a bit tricky. Sometimes it’s helpful to take a pic of your assemblage so you can refer back to it. You’ll be working with a few layers at this point, so take your time. Spread the glue evenly to the edge of your images and begin sticking.

  11. When you finish, hang your vision board somewhere that you will see it daily. Use it as a reminder, “this is how I want to feel in my life.” The more you open up to these feelings, the more you will attract things or people into your life that make you feel this way.

  12. Sometimes, you may notice things in your vision board that you had not thought about before. Feel free to update your vision board as needed. The image you create is a practice in the Law of Attraction, so be careful what you wish for. For instance, in one vision board I created to find love in my life, I added a picture of Krishna and his lover Radha. Later I found myself in a relationship where I was yearning deeply, but my love was not being returned. I did a little research and realized that Krishna was completely polyamorous and had left Radha in the forest hugging on trees and calling them by his name, never to return. I removed the Krishna and Radha image from the collage and the lover that left me yearning disappeared shortly after.

  13. Send me pictures and tell your story. I love to know how these visions come true, especially in unexpected ways.

Tina added elephants to her vision board as a totem and symbol of strength. She didn't know when she created it that her family would relocate to Africa later that year.


1. Visualize how you want to feel in your life.

2. Tear full pages out of magazines that give you the feels you want in your life. Focus on images, rather than words. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words and words are just symbols, not real things.

3. Remove extra part of the magazine page so you just have the image you want. Cut as closely to the edges as you can.

4. Play with the images. Arrange and rearrange until you create a composition that gives you a sense of balance and calm.

5. Gluing is the very last step. Do not get

out your glue until you've arranged and rearranged your images a few times. (Seriously, you don't want to glue something small right in the center and then have to work filling in around that small important piece, save the small important parts and glue them down last, like a cherry on top)

6. Meditate on your vision board regularly be hanging it somewhere you see it everyday.

7. Feel free to update your vision board as your life changes.


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