As I begin to type up more of the automatic writing transcripts from 2020, I feel a nausea in my belly. It's a mash-up between giddiness and nervousness. Giddy to share the profundity of the messages, and a nervousness to putting myself out there as a lunatic.
The word lunatic comes from luna, the Latin word for moon and the suffix -atic meaning "of the sort." So, in the spirit of admitting my own lunacy, I will concur that the messages I receive do come from the heavens, they may be considered "of the moon," and my pen, perhaps, is moonstruck. Click here to read more about planchete and automatic writing.
Spring 2020
Left Hand Writes:
Did you incarnate on Earth or work?
To accomplish great things,
wealth, lovers, land, children?
Or did you come here to love life?
You came for joy of living & being lived by life.
Your soul wants to sing,
body to dance,
belly to taste,
feet to travel,
eyes to envision.
You came for joy of living.
Nothing else.
So why pursue anything other than what brings joy?
Life is a duality.
On Earth for joy,
you will also experience grief –
but you can choose too.
You can choose to expose joy to grief,
rather than grief into the joys of life.
The constructs of money bring greed,
exploitation, authority, and control,
but the true nature of life is none of these things.
Look towards the baby and see,
a baby is pure joy.
Yes, she cries,
she wants comfort in her robot suit / human costume,
but the nature of the newly arrived is joyful.
The conditioning of love and light,
without worry of accomplishment
or for wanting.
The new arrival is Earth is pure love.
Just like you, though you may have forgotten,
conditioned with conditioning,
traumatized with trauma,
fraught with fright.
These states cloud your memory of why you are here.
Seek joy through generosity.
Seek connection through compassion.
Seek only preciousness,
not through diamonds or jewels,
but through present moment awareness
of fleetingness.
Acknowledge fragility of perfect balance and
act out of love for all things present in your reality.
Bring your mind back to joy,
create actions only of kindness.
Be aware of this moment and
love all equally,
especially those who have forgotten and lose themselves to rule or exploit,
for they too need joy,
but have lost the simplicity of being love and service.