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Graced by Grace

Writer: Regina@inthebrightRegina@inthebright

An Automatic Writing / Light Code Download from The Bright

Be Graced By Your Own Grace

Moving from want to wishes

Divine the blood like water

Move away the fear of thinking

Want less

Wish more

Become the diviner

Breathe, the great breath of a million possibilities.

Wish yourself free and find freedom.

The shackles of time unlock you.

Your impermanence, that is permanent,

Your time is timeless,

Let your fear also be fearless,

Let your kind be kinder,

Let your space be spacious.

Allow this time and space to roll through you, around you, over you.

You are not a you.

Your wholeness is whole.

Sometimes, your wholeness seems full of holes, when truly it is holy.

Let your mind mold.

Let your holes be holy.

That space inside of you that fills with unknowing is space to grow.

The unknown is known as possibilities.

The possibilities are possible.

Reveal the way of the courageous.

Fear less the fear.

Bravery is the way around the fear you’ve been fed.

Kindness is the action of fearlessness.

Fear is contraction, not a contract.

Bravery is a mythology based in fearing what is yet unknown or undiscovered.

Courage is an act.

Fight only your own demons.

Slay only your own monsters.

Hero only your own journey.

Armor only your own mind—

Protect yourself only from the voices of the fearful who say it can’t be done.

Wish only for the winning of the war within you.

Hero your own journey.

Be brave.

Be graced by your own grace.


I will take the advice of The Bright (lightcode nickname?) and hero my own journey.

Testament comes in passing the test, I suppose, and I've been fighting my own monsters and feeding my own demons as of late. It seems with each step forward towards self realization, there is a new shadow that emerges, new connections between childhood patterning and adulthood habits. It can be overwhelming; there's a lot of emotions attached.

I read this download over and over to make meaning:

Want less

Wish more

Wish only for the winning of the war within you.

That's the real call for bravery, winning the war within oneself.

Though, who am I fighting within myself? What am I warring against?

There's been a lot written about acceptance, accepting circumstances, karmas, life's suffering, as the lessons we need to learn to advance to the next round. Acceptance is quiet, spacious, whole. For me, he war within cannot be won through warring, but through making peace with those parts of myself that I'm fighting against. Slay my own dragons by shining a light onto their shadows to realize the dragons and demons are fierce only from fear and so tired of hiding.

Seeing through the fears that we're fed and acceptance of all the shadows, that is grace. To be graced by your own grace, that is the light that lets one see what's really in the shadow-side and that the war we wage is within.



Thank you, forgive me, I love you.


I receive these messages through automatism/planchette/automatic-writing. Auto-writing always appears in italic & my personal thoughts in regular text.

You can read more about my process here.

You can see how I weave this together for integrated embodiment here.


© 2020 @inthebright

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