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New Moon Satsang

Writer: Regina@inthebrightRegina@inthebright

Updated: Mar 6, 2021


How do we connect to each other?

I’ve written a lot about how we can each connect to ourselves, but what about connecting to each other to find we are not alone?

I’m not gonna lie, taking everything online this past year, teaching on Zoom really challenged my thinking. I was more than reluctant. I wasn’t clear on how an online class could offer anything different than a video recording. I was wary of having a video out there on the internet where people might see my mistakes; I was reluctant to reveal my body, an imperfect posture, or a bad cue. But I didn’t resist, I knew that I either had to find the courage to take things online or be completely alone. I knew I needed to stay connected.

What I’ve found has been more profound that I ever imagined. I found that once the physical bodies in the studio were out of the way, the heart connection through The Field grew stronger. The women who continue to show up for my twice weekly live classes now know each other, they check in with each other at the beginning of class. I can easily tune in to the energy of the group and allow my intuition to guide the practice in a deep way that I didn’t allow myself to do in the studio where everything I had done was scripted and planned. People are comfortable in their homes, they can roll right out of bed AND now they all have a dedicated space at home to practice any time. They don’t have to commute, so everyone is always on time.

This past weekend, I spent three days as a student in a fabulous online retreat led by the magical Aline Osenau and had the pleasure of experiencing this connection as a participant, rather than a teacher. I got to meet some awesome, kick-ass women from around the world on Zoom and for three days we laughed, learned, exposed our vulnerabilities, and even shed some tears. It was a BRAVE BELONGING between a group of women, most of whom hadn’t met before the retreat began. But here’s what surprised me the most: Sunday evening, when the retreat was coming to a close, no one wanted to hang up from the conference call. Every single woman was so moved by the feeling of connection and belonging that the retreat went nearly an hour over, sorting out how to stay in contact with each other before reluctantly signing off.

This coming weekend I’ll be starting up the Women’s Moon Circle and Satsang again after taking the past few months off. A few of us worked together to start a Women’s Moon Circle at the beginning of 2020 when I was still living in Yangon. There was such a big turn out for these events held at Kuuzchi Yoga, such a deep need for connection amongst women, that they were very well attended. It was only through many people reaching out to me as Covid lockdowns continued, requesting that I keep what we had started in-person going, that I reluctantly took the monthly gathering of women online as well.

And then, something amazing happened. Rather than the Moon Circle being limited to those living in the same city, suddenly any women, anywhere in the world, could attend. Suddenly, instead of being a small group in one place, we were a unlimited force of The Divine, connecting our heart strings together from around the world.

Here’s what one women wrote last month after she contacted me to see if I would be starting up the circle again in 2021:

I first attended the online Full Moon gathering of women so that I could be more connected with my sister and niece; what I found went much deeper. The first time I realized that the women attending were scattered all over the world (with many of us isolated from the covid pandemic), I felt a new sense of connection. This was significant when we were all chanting and I realized that the sound was being released at the exact same moment: the world grew a bit brighter and a bit smaller. I would recommend to every woman to take a few minutes to renew your sense of humanity and Spirit through this moon circle.

So, if you’re looking for a way of connecting with others, if you’re feeling a bit alone in your bubble, if you're in need of some sisterhood energy, please join me this weekend as Nora Lim and I kick off the first Moon Circle and Satsang of 2021 in the energy of February’s New Moon darkness. You don’t have to be a yogini, these circles are for any woman: any age, body type, level of fitness, to connect to herself and connect to other beautiful strong amazing ladies around the world. Together, in circle, we can connect in a new and unimaginable way, weaving our heartstrings together. Jump in. We’re weaving a net to catch each other.

To learn more about the Moon Circle Satsang or see all of the dates for 2021 Click Here.

To learn more about my co-creator, Nora Lim, Click Here.

To support the Moon Circle Satsang and receive a recording Click Here.

To receive the information for the Moon Circle Monthly fill out my contacts form.


© 2020 @inthebright

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