“It’s the most handsome pineapple,” she said of my purchase.
Pear shaped with two head stalks,
the most beautiful pineapple is non binary.

Every duality has its oneness.
Every binary, it’s non-binary.
Two heads, one body
Outside & inside
Husk & fruit
Spiked & smooth.

And inside, the perfect pattern emerges,
spiraling binary code.

We are the anima and the animus woven.
Shiva pursuing Shakti.
Yang chasing Yin.
And still also the Tao, the one, consciousness, divinity.
We are both binary & non-binary.
Positive and negative charge us.
Magnetic & impervious
Hard & soft
Hurt & forgiving
Beginning & ending
And still, we are one.
One little juicy beam of light,
both sweet & sour,
spiraling, perfect.
