Shakespeare said "all the world's a stage. . . " and all of us are mere players, entering and exiting, playing more than one part in our time. So, it's funny to receive a message through metaphor that's totally unoriginal. Hilarious too, to read these guidelines through the lense of "the world's a stage" and contemplate how we each participate in the dramas and comedies as a little light beam cast into a role, wearing a human suit.
Guidelines for Participating in Earthly Drama.
1. Wake up early (watch sunrise whenever possible).
2. You are in a robot costume / animal suit of humankind.
3. Realize you are being breathed & watch the breath.
4. Remember it’s a production and the curtain will close.
When the lights are up give your best performance.
5. Appreciate the cast and crew.
6. Joyfully Laugh out loud to every irony, joke and slip-up.
Let your laughter roar at every cosmic joke to rumble through time.
7. Sing, Sniff, Taste, Touch, Move.
Take every temptation in stride of kindness & love.

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This message came through from the guides through automatic writing /planchette, mid-2020. The 5. in right corner indicates it was the fifth page written that morning. A full summary of the conversation.
Original transcription:

You can read more here about auto-writing and how these messages are transcribed here.