Life with all it’s mysteries is to be lived.
You’re no detective,
There’s nothing to be solved or sorted.
The mystery of life is solved not by the living,
but through living life.
If there is a purpose to life,
beyond the act of living itself . . .
If there is a purpose to life,
it can be found only through living itself.
Life while you’re alive,
that is the purpose.
Breathe and be breathed.
Drink and be drunk up.
Life is its own elixir.
Eat and be feasted upon.
Life is the nourishment for the soul.
The purpose of life is to live.
I've been transcribing handwritten auto-writing these past few weeks. A have nearly a ream of paper to transcribe, and I am in awe when I read through them at the profundity of the messages. This one was dated November 21st, 2020.
Please like and share as you are inspired to. I continue to handwrite short phrases and the poetry I find through automatic and non-automatic writing on my instagram. I feel like there is something here, here, in these writings. A message from The Bright that is bigger than me, meant for more than just me. Is there a book here? Is there an audience who wishes to receive these written messages from the another realm? I'm not sure yet, but the message I'm getting is that it's my dharma to share these writings.
(automatic writing will always appear in italics in my blog posts, non-italics is just me rambling:)
